Saturday, June 2, 2012

Marcus Miller

Basic Bass Based Base

Well, not actually basic at all; it just sounded good to say that.

Some people have never heard of Marcus Miller (how, may I ask you, have people never heard of a legendary bassist that was a member of Miles Davis's band, played with Eric Clapton, etc, etc, in any gendre one can imagine, etc, etc, have people never heard of Marcus Miller? Sad, I know).

Hard to imagine Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata played as a laid back bluesy funk, let alone played as a laid back bluesy funk on an electric bass guitar. Yes, that's right, this is Marcus Miller we're talking about, and he's probably the only bassist in the world who could even imagine the concept let alone pull it off this nicely.

Enough talk ...

And Dean Brown's pretty good at struttin' his strat, too!

Joy to ALL beings

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