Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hey it's Warren

Purple Ha(n)ze

For all those who think that Dave Matthews is just some hillbilly country hick, hick-pickin' his thar hillbilly geetar and singin' down home soooeee blues, this clip of Dave and Tim accompanied by southern rock guitar maestro Warren Haynes will serve to demonstrate that Dave is a revered member of the international music professional elite.

The broad smile on Warren's face towards the end can attest to the virtuosity of Tim Reynolds, and Tim, as always, is nothing short of magnificent, but "than agan" we never doubted good ole Dave and Tim, did we? The more I see Tim Reynolds the more I realise that Dave was right when he said that he couldn't believe how well Tim can play guitar. Tim, of course, just smiles and bows humbly.

Warren tends to get "cut off" here on Sonic Explorer, this here hillbilly down home country high hills wild weed smokey cloud hazey dazey music blog, cuz weez made the left hand division a long time ago prior to widescreen (it's a tad shy of wide enough); so if yoood like ta see thar who-o-o-ole thing right dere on YousTube, including Warren, you jes click on this link right here, go on, y'orl! It's finger pickin' good!

Joy to all beings

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