As an affectionado of almost all types of music, and yes, I have heard some rap music that I enjoyed, if I ever come across it again I'll post it here, but all digressions aside, YouTube has become a fave haunt for exploring the kind of music I would normally never make contact with from within the confines of my limited circles.
Don't be forgetting that I am a Hare Krishna devotee, so many of my more "inspired" associates would perhaps view music as something akin to evil, indulgence, or just plain old beneath them.
Personally, with the emphasis on personal, I feel a deep emotional empathy with many musicians via their musical expression; an empathy which has led me to an inclination toward musical direction (I'm not much of a musician myself) wherein I feel that given the right chemistry I can be of value to a musician who may not be content with his work, and if we are sensitive persons, and can't we all be just so self critical when it comes to our own creativity, a second opinion often is the required tonic.

Happy smiley faces
When the planets align in such a way as to permit one to contribute to another's expression, so much joy is manifest to hear the result and to see the happy smiles of performers and audiences. No other reward is necessary.
Mostly though, the ocean of creativity that surrounds us needs no input from me, nor perhaps from anyone.
Thus is the case with Carla Bley. For today's post I have chosen her duet with bassist Steve Swallow entitled Utviklingssang which is made all the more real as the visuals are merely black and white slides of still images which enhance rather than detract from the listening experience.
I absolutely adore the way they seamlessly take the lead from each other, and to avoid raving at length about Carla's flawless piano, we'll mention that Steve gets into some cool licks that clearly demonstrate that the modern electric bass is much more than just a support instrument.
As good as it gets
This piece is perfect for me to commence my music blog as, as far as I am concerned, this is about as good as it gets, ultra professional yet filled with feeling. [Did anyone notice that the word as appeared three times within the span of four words in the previous sentence? Peculiarly interesting.]
Please enjoy Utviklingssang ...
Bless all souls
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